
History of the Ancient Chinese Pyramids

The Chinese Pyramids: China never fails to amaze the world, whether in politics, economy, or history. The vast number of ancient pyramids found in northwest China is one of the greatest mysteries still unsolved.

The Chinese government has done everything to keep these monuments a secret, so do not be shocked if you have never heard of them.

What are the Chinese Pyramids?

The almost unheard-of Chinese pyramids are historical monuments struggling against the ravages of time andChinese Pyramids Tourist Mesoamerican pyramids in Teotihuacan the elements. U.S. pilot James Gaussman discovered the intricate walls of one large structure in 1945, near the end of the Second World War. While returning from a mission to support the Chinese forces and making his way to his base in Assam, India, his engine broke down. Gaussman was astounded to see the location of a massive pyramid in the distance as he flew above Xi’an in the Shaanxi Province.

 “It was completely white on all sides. The capstone, a sizable chunk of jewel-like substance that might have been crystal, was stunning. We wanted to land, but there was no way. The immensity of the thing struck us,” he remarked.

The pilot made the most of this rare occasion and flew above, snapping pictures that would later be included in a report delivered to U.S. government officials.

Another American pilot, fascinated by the legend surrounding Gaussman’s mysterious “Great White” Chinese pyramid, flew close enough to the monument in 1947 to have a glimpse for himself. He calculated the height of the ancient marvel to be close to 1500 feet, much higher than the magnificent pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which is only 480 feet tall from base to the vertex.

The Science News Letter stated in 1947, “American scientists who have been in the area suggest that the pyramids have a height of 1,000 feet (300 m), more than twice as high as any of the Egyptian pyramids.”

Two years later, Colonel Maurice Sheahan, the Far Eastern director for Trans World Airlines, described the same event. However, Chinese authorities maintained the existence of this great pyramid a closely-kept secret, hiding it from the prying eyes of a global probe.

German investigator Hartwig Hausdorf made an effort to record and take photos of the enormous ancient monument despite the restrictions. Hausdorf avoided the Chinese military that was meticulously monitoring the airspace over the Xi’an desert, but he could never locate the enormous pyramid Gaussman had captured on camera. However, Hausdorf’s book “The White Pyramid,” published in 1994, which described his discoveries of the nearby ruins, sparked a great interest in the field of these antiques.

The Mystery of the Chinese Pyramids

Some pyramids are step-like structures, similar to the pyramids in Mesoamerica. They’re more like enormous, flat-topped burial mounds for ancient rulers. The highest building is 154 feet tall, but it once reached a height of 249 feet. The area is China’s version of Giza and the Valley of the Kings, but because so much royalty lies buried beneath that dirt, no one has dared disturb it.

According to the Science News Letter in 1947, “The Chinese pyramids are built of mud and dirt and are more like mounds than the pyramids of Egypt.” Though the location is in a region with significant archaeological significance, not many of the pyramids have ever been thoroughly explored.

Why were they built? For more than 80 years, archaeologists and pseudoscientists have been involved in a heated argument.

What Could They be Covering Up?

Long-standing conspiracy theories claim that China’s government has been trying to hide the true significance of the country’s Chinese pyramids. Dozens of websites are dedicated to criticizing the government for remaining silent about the historic structures and any secrets they could hold. The government has argued against many logical reasons for not publicly promoting the pyramids.

First, they think current technology is not sufficiently developed to unlock the mysteries of the pyramids without causing harm to the historical sites. Second, they depend on their traditions, so they do not want to disturb the dead.

Other justifications include preventing visitors and tomb raiders, concern about outside archaeologists harming the Chinese pyramids or the priceless treasures they contain, and a preference for excavations to be carried out using as mild of technology as possible.

“Back then, it was possible that the dirt around an artifact was carelessly brushed away. Rong Bo, a Chinese archaeologist, said as much to “Sixth Tone.” He continued that one blunder or hasty removal might cause a relic’s history to vanish.

In reality, many pyramid hills were intentionally planted with trees and bushes. Additionally, they planted fast-growing trees to speed up the process and cover the secrets buried beneath the ground. For certain,  the Chinese government does not want anyone to go close to these temples’ interiors.

Uncovering the Secret

Ancient China held high regard for horses, and large-scale “Horse Burials” were common throughout Asia and many Indo-European nations. In the Duke Jing of Qi’s tomb (547–490 BCE), there were more than 600 horses.

 According to the Chinese authorities, the technology isn’t there yet to excavate the pyramids without causing any damage to their interiors. According to archaeologist Romey, the hurried excavation of King Tut’s tomb is a good cause to put the brakes on, he added. “Consider all the knowledge we lost simply because of the 1930s’ excavating methods. We could have learned so much more, but the methods used then differed from those used today. Even while we may believe our archaeological excavation methods are excellent [at the moment], who knows if we will open this tomb in a century.”

Finding hundreds of “holy creatures” would be amazing enough, but in 1974, the world was given a glimpse of a genuinely ground-breaking finding.

In March 1974, two farmers working outside Xi’an came upon the renowned terracotta army of China’s First Emperor, Qin Shi Huang.

There were rumors that he had been buried in a mini city filled with palaces, chariots, treasures, and anything else he would need hereafter. By some stroke of luck or fate, these farmers hit the jackpot. Nevertheless, the Emperor hasn’t even been located yet. Alternatively, if he has, officials are too terrified to approach him. According to tradition, the Emperor is also encircled by a tunnel of 100 artificial rivers filled with mercury. It is also said that individuals who knew the tomb’s location was assassinated to keep it a secret during and long after construction.

Therefore, Emperor Qin’s pyramid-mausoleum is only the tip of the iceberg in understanding these structures. Although some pyramid sites, such as the Han Yang Ling Mausoleum, have been made tourist-friendly, no one plans to uncover them any time soon.

But the pyramids are purposefully hidden by the government. Because of the great “veneration of tradition” in Chinese culture, they may want to let their royalty live in peace. Until someone decides otherwise, we’ll have to watch as they disappear back into the earth with their secrets.



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