Tiger Facts
Tigers are one of the most amazing and strong forms of big cats, and they may be found all around Asia. Tigers are frequently regarded as one of the most beautiful yet ferocious animals, and this can be one of the factors that contribute to their attraction. However, due to human sloppiness and caution, they are on the edge of being classified as endangered. World Animal Protection aims to protect wild animals like tigers by keeping them in their natural habitats rather than exposing them to the cruelty of the animal entertainment industry or the exotic pet trade. Despite all these, there is still a lot to learn about these felines. Let’s dive into the interesting facts about the tiger.
Tigers Date Back to the Pleistocene Era
The Longdan tiger (Panthera zdanskyi) is the oldest known tiger ancestor, dating back 2.15 million to 2.55 million years. This tiger’s remains were discovered in China’s Gansu Province. According to researchers, this species’ skull and tooth structure were remarkably similar to today’s tiger, but it was smaller in size. Scientists believe that tigers grew in size as their prey grew larger.
Tigers are Solitary Hunters
Tigers, unlike lions, keep to themselves and hunt alone. While hunting, a tiger’s eyesight is nearly six times better than a human’s night vision. They can leap almost 33 feet and run at a top speed of 40 mph because their back legs are longer than their front legs. Despite all of these hunting adaptations, just one out of every ten tiger hunts is successful.
Tigers are Nocturnal Animals
Not all Tigers are nocturnal, but they do prefer to hunt at night. This is because Tigers prefer to avoid human interaction during the day and patrol their territory at night.
Tigers Prefer to Hunt by Ambush
One of the most well-known facts among wildlife lovers is that wild animals enjoy surprise kills, but not as much as Tigers. They hide behind thick shrubs and attack their victim from behind due to their striped camouflage.

Tigers don’t View Humans as a Prey
Tigers are reported to be less likely to attack when humans see them. Most Indian communities put a face mask on the back of their heads to fool the Tigers. Tigers only attack humans when they are in danger. However, we cannot ignore the fact that there have been stories of Tigers attacking people in remote areas; therefore, it is advisable to avoid their territory. If you find yourself in this circumstance, go backward while keeping an eye on the tiger, as they usually kill in ambush.
Tigers Survive in a Variety of Conditions
Tigers may be found in several environments, from jungles to mountains. They live in climates that are always warm and humid and locations where temperatures can drop to 40 degrees. Tigers can adapt to local conditions as long as they have enough food, cover, and water. The most severe issue is a lack of prey; tigers consume between 50 and 60 large prey animals per year. They will eat minor game such as birds, but to reproduce, they must eat prey species roughly the same size as themselves.
Tiger Cubs are Born Blind
The saddest element is that Tiger cubs are born blind, with just a few surviving. The newborn cubs can’t see anything, so they only follow their mother’s scent. They die of hunger or cold since they are born blind and unable to keep up.
Tigers Skin Is Striped
These magnificent moggies have over 100 stripes, and each one is as unique as a human fingerprint, ensuring that no two tigers have the same coat. The orange and black design is not only eye-catching, but it also serves as excellent camouflage. The tiger’s dark orange color mixes with the trees and grasses, while the black stripes assist it to blend into the shadows, making it practically undetectable. It’s the ideal outfit for a stealthy hunter!
Tigers Love to Swim
Unlike domestic cats, the larger version of this species enjoys spending time in the water and can swim for hours. Female Tigers had encouraged or assisted in learning the art of hunting even when they were cubs, and they could even kill in the water. Adults are known to swim for several kilometers, possibly swimming for 30 kilometers in a single day.
Tigers live for About 25 Years
Tigers live between 20 and 25 years, depending on whether they are maintained in captivity or released into the wild. However, most of them perished before reaching the age of 20, like in the case of a nineteen-year-old Machli who died at Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan, India. Flavel (25 years old), a circus-rescued Tiger sheltered in a zoo in Tampa, Florida, was the oldest living tiger.
White Tigers are Rare in the Wild
White tigers aren’t albinos, and they didn’t turn white to make it easier for them to survive in the winter. Their white fur is due to a genetic mutation that prevents the genes that produce yellow and red pigments. Although an extremely pale tiger was observed in 2017, the last wild white tiger was shot in 1958. Inbreeding among captive white tigers has resulted in various health disorders, including hip difficulties, clubbed feet, and crossed eyes.
Tigers can Mate with Other Big Cats.
Tigers can also breed with other large cats; for example, if a male tiger breeds a female Lion, the resultant hybrid is known as a Tigon. They are the largest cat species and can grow larger than the Liger, a crossbreed of a male lion and a female Tiger.
Tigers can Sprint at Speeds.
Tigers are not the fastest runners in the animal kingdom, but their strong legs allow them to sprint at more than 60 kilometers per hour for short distances.
Tigers Cannot Purr
There have been many discussions if Tigers can purr; although there are some cases when it is mentioned that Tigers do purr (occasionally), this is most likely done for the sake of argument. Tigers, on the other hand, generate a variety of loud noises (not purring). Other wild cats, such as cheetahs and jaguars, can purr, but only when they exhale.
Tigers Roars are loud.
The roar of a tiger is so powerful that it may be heard up to three kilometers away. Furthermore, according to one scientific investigation, the roar can paralyze other species, mainly its prey. Roaring, snarling, hissing, moaning, and chuffing are some of a tiger’s most common vocalizations. The vocal chord of this magnificent creature is designed in the shape of a square, allowing tigers to be extremely loud. Their roars can reach 114 decibels, which is as loud as a jet engine.
Tigers Hearing Power
The hearing power of a tiger is five times better than that of a man. They can also spin their ears like radars to pick up sound signals, which benefits them in detecting prey’s high-pitched sounds and movements.

Tiger’s Penis does not become erect.
Even when aroused, the tiger’s Penis does not erect, and there is a logical reason for this. An internal extra-skeletal baculum or a penis bone performs all of the work, and it can be found at the end of the Penis in all animals and primates. Baculum works best in sexual reproduction, giving the male a significant advantage by stopping the process mid-sex and preventing the female from mating with others before his sperm is completely absorbed.
Tigers Urine Smells like Buttered Popcorn
Tiger urine smells like buttered popcorn. Don’t be tempted because it also serves as a warning sign to intruders in their territory.
Tiger’s Saliva has Antiseptic Properties.
Unlike humans, tigers’ Saliva contains lysozyme enzymes, which attack wound cell membranes and provide anti-infection protection. They also lick themselves from time to time to keep their coats clean. Their tongue is sharp and rough, having papillae that help them remove the fur and feathers off their prey while they eat.
Tigers Create Virtual Boundaries
In their treasured estates, tigers frequently mark their territory and build virtual barriers for other felines as an entry barrier. This is done by scratch and sprays, keeping the trees, scat dropping on the safari track, near trails and waterholes. As a sign of dominance, they roar while patrolling their territory.
Tigers are endangered
The most significant risks to tigers are habitat loss and poaching. They compete with humans for large ungulates such as deer and wild pigs, which they eat. The natural range of tigers is being encroached upon by tropical hardwood logging, oil palm plantations, other crops, and housing. Unfortunately, roads impact tigers by reducing prey species in 43 percent of tigers’ breeding habitats and 57 percent of tiger conservation landscapes. With fewer prey, Tigers turn their attention to domestic farm animals, resulting in retaliation kills. Tigers are regularly poached for illegally sold skins, bones, meat, and other body parts, earning them the nickname “walking gold.”