The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy – On November 22, 1963 at 12:25 pm, President John F. Kennedy died in Dallas while riding in motorcade during a visit to the city for a political campaign. As Kennedy’s motorcade passed the Texas School Book Depository in Dealey Plaza with people lining the streets, shots rang out. After being shot in the head and neck, Kennedy died at Parkland Memorial Hospital. The Lincoln limousine’s driver, who had the top off the vehicle, ran to the hospital. He was 46. He was 46 years old.
What Time Was President John F. Kennedy Shot?
At 2:15 pm, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested by the Book Depository for JFK’s assassination as well as the fatal shooting at 1:15 pm of Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit. On Nov. 24, Oswald was murdered at point blank range by Jack Ruby , a local nightclub owner who is also a police informant.

Why Was The President John F. Kennedy Shot?
It’s unclear why Oswald killed the president. This has fueled countless conspiracy theories, such as whether Johnson’s successor was responsible for the murder. ( No, he wasn’t. ) The fascination with who killed JFK today and why is a key factor in the popularity of conspiracy theories.
The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy Shooting Report
The Warren Commission report is the definitive account of the events of the day of JFK’s assassination. Johnson created the Warren Commission, led by Chief Justice Earl Warren of the U.S. Supreme Court, a week following JFK’s death. The commission was to investigate JFK’s death. The report was released ten months after the shooting. It confirmed that Oswald had fired the shots which killed JFK, and injured Connally. There is no evidence that Oswald, Jack Ruby, or a foreign government were involved in the assassination.

The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy Conspiracy Theories
Burt Griffin, author of JFK, Oswald, and Ruby: Politics, Prejudice, and Truth and assistant counsel at the Warren Commission, says, “I didn’t fully understand how many people could not let go of the idea that there existed a conspiracy.”
Larry Sabato, the author of The Kennedy Half Century: Presidency, Assassination, and the Lasting Legacy Of John F. Kennedy, states that the killing of President Kennedy helped to fuel a culture of distrust in the 1960s. This climate grew in 1968 with the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., and JFK’s brother Robert F. Kennedy. Watergate and the Vietnam War in the early 70s contributed to the culture of conspiracy theories. Sabato states that “as a culture, we were addicted to conspiracy theories due to the Kennedy assassination.”
Since 1992, when the President John F. Kennedy Assassination records Collection Act was passed, the government began declassifying documents relating to JFK’s assassination. TIME spoke to several experts who have studied the JFK murder. According to them, these documents are not revealing anything new in the 60-plus years since JFK was murdered.
The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy Evidence
“No new information or evidence has been exposed which would change our understanding of what occurred,” said Nicola Longford CEO of the Sixth Floor Museum in Dealey Plaza. The museum is dedicated to the JFK murder and is located inside the same building where Oswald killed JFK.
Some of the eyewitnesses who witnessed JFK’s assassination still live. National Geographic’s new documentary series, out on Nov. 5, is told by archival footage and eyewitnesses including Associated Press reporter Peggy Simpson and Secret Service agent Clint Hill who shielded the Kennedys against bullets.
Gerald Posner is the author of Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald’s Assassination and JFK.
According to a Sep. 9 New York Times article, Landis was riding in a convertible behind the presidential limousine and claims that he found an intact bullet in the seam of the limousine’s cushioning, slipped it into his coat pocket, and left it on Kennedy’s stretcher. According to a New York article from Sep. 9, Landis claimed that he was riding behind the presidential limousine in a convertible and found a bullet intact in the seams of the cushioning. He then slipped it in his coat pocket and placed it on Kennedy’s stretcher. As a hospital employee was moving the stretchers, the bullet ended up on Connally’s empty one. The bullet was not found by the Warren Commission on JFK’s stretcher.
Landis’ silence for 60 years raises questions about the accuracy of his memory and his account. The Warren Commission also did not interview him. An article concluded that, “A few elements of his account conflict with the official statements he made to authorities immediately following the shooting and some of his implications cannot be reconciled with the existing record.”

The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy Government Files
The U.S. Government has not made all files related to the fateful day available. This is a major reason why conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination persist. The U.S. government was supposed to release all of the files by 2017, but this date has been repeatedly postponed during the Trump administration and Biden’s. Sabato says that thousands of pages are classified, and the reason is unclear. Sabato says, “We don’t even know what the files cover. This feeds conspiracy theories.” Posner also agrees that “what are they concealing?” But because Oswald was never tried, he says, “you’ll never feel like the case is settled.”
Video Of The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy
FAQ’s on The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy
Q: Why did Kennedy go to Texas?
A. Kennedy was in Dallas to speak at the annual Dallas Citizens Council meeting held at the Dallas Trade Mart. His un-delivered speech dealt with national security.
Q: How badly wounded was Texas Governor John Connally when he died?
A: The Governor Connally was injured by bullets in the back, lung and chest.
Q: Why did Jacqueline Kennedy, the First Lady of the United States, climb on the back of her car after the shootings?
A. Jacqueline Kennedy was able to climb on the back seat of the car and retrieve pieces of the President’s head. She had no memory afterwards.
Q: Was Kennedy instantly killed?
A: Within minutes of arriving at Parkland Memorial Hospital at 12:43 pm, the first physician who saw the president reported hearing a pulse, but found no blood pressure or pulse.
Q: What is the official cause for Kennedy’s death?
A. Dr. George Gregory Burkley, who signed Kennedy’s death certificates, listed “Gunshot Wound, Skull” as the cause.
When was the President declared dead?
A: Kennedy died 17 minutes after arriving at the hospital at 1 pm.
Q: Where did Vice President Lyndon Johnson go at the time the shooting occurred?
A. The Vice-President was two cars behind Kennedy in the motorcade.
How many shots have been fired?
A. According to the Warren Commission, three shots were fired in the assassination.
Q: How close is the hospital to the scene of the shootings?
A: Parkland Memorial Hospital, located about four miles away from Dealey Plaza.
Investigation Questions
Q: Who was the investigator who led the initial investigation of the case?
In the first 24 hours following the assassination, the Dallas Police and FBI began their investigation.
Q: Was Abraham Zapruder alone in filming the assassination of JFK?
A: Orville Nix, Mary Muchmore and Abraham Zapruder are at least two of the people who filmed the bullet that hit President Kennedy.
When was the Warren Commission founded?
A: On November 29, 1963, a week following the assassination of President Johnson, the Warren Commission was established.
When was the Warren Commission’s report released?
A. The Warren Commission released its report on September 24th 1964.
Q: How much time was the Warren Commission Report?
A : Warren Commission Report, 888 pages; published hearings of the Warren Commission 26 volumes.
Q: Who killed Kennedy according to the Warren Commission?
A. The Warren Commission found that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, shot President Kennedy and governor Connally.
Q: Did there exist any other investigations into the Kennedy murder?
A : Two other groups in Washington, D.C., investigated Kennedy’s murder during the 1970s: the President’s Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States, and the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Jim Garrison was the district attorney of New Orleans in 1967. He led his own controversial inquiry.
Q: Who killed Kennedy according to the House Select Committee on Assassinations?
A: According to the House Select Committee on Assassinations, Kennedy was “probably assassinated in a conspiracy.” The committee could not identify the other gunmen, or determine the extent of the plot.
Q: Who killed Kennedy according to the President’s Commission on CIA Activities Within The United States?
A: According to the President’s Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States, “the Warren Commission findings regarding a lone killer were correct.”
Q: Jim Garrison interviewed Perry Russo using Sodium pentathol. What is it?
A Sodium Pentathol, a depressant drug which some people believe acts as a truth serum. It is commonly used for general anesthesia.
Aftermath Questions
Q: Where did Lee Harvey Oswald stand when he shot Oswald?
A Lee Harvey Oswald, a local businessman, was shot by Jack Ruby at the Dallas Police Headquarters, as he was transferring him to the Dallas County Jail.
Q: Where is President Kennedy buried?
A: On Monday, 25 November 1963, the nation observed a day of mourning to honor President Kennedy’s death at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.
Q: What became of Jacqueline Kennedy following her husband’s murder?
A: In 1968, Jacqueline Kennedy married Greek tycoon Aristotle Onassis. She worked in New York as a book-editor after his death in 1975. She died of cancer in 1994.
Q: What happened after Jack Ruby’s arrest?
A Jack Ruby, convicted in 1964 of Oswald’s murder, was overturned by the Texas Supreme Court after Ruby’s lawyers argued successfully that the high level of publicity surrounding the case prevented him from receiving a fair trial. Ruby died of cancer-related complications on January 3, 1967. He was awaiting his second trial.
What happened to Marina, Lee Harvey Oswald’s Russian-born spouse?
A : Marina Oswald married again in 1965 and settled in Texas. June (born 1962) and Rachel, (born 1963), her two daughters from Oswald took on the last name of their stepfather.
How many people thought there was a conspiracy in the days following Kennedy’s assassination, after his death?
A: In a Gallup poll conducted in November 1963, 52 percent of respondents believed that there was a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy.
Q: How many today believe that there was a conspiracies behind the assassination of JFK?
A Today, 70 percent of Americans think that there was a conspiracy in the assassination President Kennedy.